How it works
The Top 25 Rankings are a non biased system that ranks drivers throughout the world. Rankings are based on a driver's final finishing position, at qualified events, over a rolling two-year period. A driver's finishing points average is determined by adding a driver's total finishing points earned, then dividing by the number of qualified events he has competed in. The scoring system places a greater emphasis on each driver’s recent finishing positions and older results will decrease in value. This allows a driver’s current performances to have a greater significance in their points average. Continue reading for some frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What determines if a race is a qualifying event?
Qualifying events are determined by the quality of drivers that attend any event. Top 25 RC uses ALL of the driver’s ranking points in attendance to determine the quality of the field at any event. If a race does qualify, it be placed in 1 of the 3 scoring tiers depending on the strength of field. Any race has the opportunity to become a scoring event if it meets the standard.
How does a rolling 2 year time period work?
A rolling 2 year time period means results are taken from the current date to that same date 2 years ago. When a race falls outside of the rolling two-year period it will be dropped and eliminated from a drivers points tally. See figure 1 for how that affects a drivers ranking.

Why 2 years and not 1 year?
Calculating results over 2 years was important to add stability and accuracy to the rankings, due to the fact there are so few events where all the worlds best are in attendance. If 1 year was used and a driver had a mechanical failure his ranking would be affected dramatically, even if he won every other race he attended.

Explain the emphasis on a drivers most recent results?
This was important to keep the ranking relevant to what is happening in the now. Just as much as the rolling 2 year time period somewhat softens the affect of a driver's mechanical failure, the greater emphasis on the most recent results also helps a mechanical failure from lingering for 2 years. Figure 2 shows how this works with a sample driver.
How can Driver B move ahead of Driver A in the Top 25 RC rankings when Driver A beat Driver B?
This can actually happen a couple different ways and can be somewhat hard to understand.

One scenario is Driver A Had a bad result that moves outside of his “most recent results” and into his “older results” which are not valued as high. See figure 3
The second scenario is Driver A had a bad results that falls off completely because of the 2 year rolling time period.
Both these scenarios can work the other direction as well, where great results fall outside of a drivers most recent results or falls off completely because of the rolling 2 year period.
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